Ohio State is a large, urban research university with many resources for students.
Academy students have access to the resources of the university. Here are a few of the many offices available to help you when you enroll as a college credit plus student.
Career Exploration
Are you unsure of your future plans? Considering many different options and not sure where to turn? Ohio State has many options to help you!
Buckeye Careers: This website and office can help you with self-exploration and other steps to developing your career plan
Academic Advising: You will have an Academic advisor while you are in the Ohio State Academy. You can also reach out to advisors in various academic departments to learn about degree completion requirements and career opportunities.
University Exploration: This unit at Ohio State works with students who are undecided. You’ll find great information that connects majors with future careers.

Disability Services
Student Life Disability Services collaborates with and empowers students who have disabilities in order to coordinate support services and programs that enable equal access to an education and university life. Services include exam accommodations, note-taking assistance, accessible media and consultation and advocacy.
Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center
Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center is a resource center for students and instructors in mathematics and statistics courses at The Ohio State University. The center is located in Cockins Hall and provides many free services, including tutoring, reviews, and workshops for many courses.

University Libraries
University Libraries provides patrons with access to information at 15 locations across the Columbus campus, as well as locations on each of the regional campuses and the Agricultural Technical Institute. Use the library for studying, class research, or to connect with Ohio State libarians.
Younkin Success Center
The Younkin Success Center functions as a hub for services related to student success. Within the Younkin, you will find a number of student support offices, as well as free tutoring services, commuter lockers, and student study spaces.

The Writing Center
The Writing Center offers free help with writing at any stage of the writing process for any member of the university community. Consultants work with students on anything from research papers to lab reports to application materials during a virtual or in-person session.