Finding Classes for the "First 15"
Students are required to enroll in "Level One" courses while earning during their first 15 credit hours in the CCP program. Ohio State has over 1,000 courses available in this category. We've divided the options into general content areas to help you search. You can also search for specific course information online at BuckeyeLink.
Important Notes:
- Courses may not be offered every semester;
- You will still need to meet any course prerequisites (courses with pre-requisites in the list below have an *).
- Students may take a Level Two course prior to completing 15 credit hours if one of the following applies:
- The Level Two course has a Level One course pre-requisite the student has successfully completed
- The student has successfully completed a Level One course in the same, specific subject area
- A student tests directly into a Level Two course

Arts & Design
ART 2100 Beginning Drawing
ART 2400 Three-Dimensional Art
ART 2555 Intro to Digital Photography & Contemporary Issues
ART 3002 Intro to Ceramics - Structure
ART 3004 Life Studio Drawing I (*)
ART 3006 Introduction to Relief and Intaglio Printmaking (*)
ART 3017 Introduction to Sculpture
ART 3024 Painting I
ARTEDUC 1600 Art and Music Since 1945
DANCE 2401 Western Concert Dance: Renaissance to Present
HISTART 2001 Western Art I: Ancient and Medieval Worlds
HISTART 2002 Western Art II: The Renaissance to the Present
HISTART 2003 The Art and Visual Culture of East Asia
HISTART 2101 Introduction to African Art and Archaeology
MUSIC 2203.02 Symphonic Choir (*)
MUSIC 2203.03 University Chorus (*)
MUSIC 2203.04 Men's Glee Club (*)
MUSIC 2203.05 Women's Glee Club (*)
MUSIC 2204.01 University Wind Symphony (*)
MUSIC 2204.02 University Symphonic Band (*)
MUSIC 2204.04 University Band
MUSIC 2215.01 University Symphony Orchestra (*)
MUSIC 2224 Aural Training I (*)
MUSIC 2225 Aural Training II (**)
MUSIC 2250 Music Cultures of the World
MUSIC 2251 The World of Classical Music
MUSIC 2252 History of Rock 'n' Roll
MUSIC 2253 Introduction to Jazz
MUSIC 3424 Aural Training III (*)
MUSIC 3425 Aural Training IV (*)
THEATRE 2000.02 Technical Production Practicum: Sound
THEATRE 2000.04 Technical Production Practicum: Scenic Construction and Painting
THEATRE 2000.05 Technical Production Practicum: Costuming
THEATRE 2000.06 Technical Production Practicum: Lighting
THEATRE 2100 Introduction to Theatre
THEATRE 2110 Script Analysis (*)
THEATRE 2811 The Craft of Acting
THEATRE 3000 Production Run Crew Practicum
THEATRE 4000.08 Practicum: Acting (*)
Biological & Health Sciences
ANATOMY 2300.01 Human Anatomy
ANATOMY 2220 Human Structure and Function for Engineers
ANATOMY 3300 Advanced Human Anatomy for Undergraduates
ANATOMY 4300 Human Anatomy with Dissection
EEOB 2520 Human Physiology
PHYSIO 3101 Human Physiology I
PHYSIO 3102 Human Physiology II
PHYSIO 3200 Human Physiology
ANMLTEC 3191.02T Beef Industry Internship*
ANMLTEC 3191.03T Swine Industry Internship*
ANMLTEC 3191.04T Small Ruminant Industry Internship*
ANMLTEC 3191.07T Dairy Industry Internship*
BIOETHC 2000 Theory and Foundations of Bioethics
BIOETHC 2010 Ethics of Biomedical Science Research Content
BIOLOGY 1101 Introductory Biology
BIOLOGY 1102 Human Biology
BIOLOGY 1110 Biology for the Health Sciences
BIOLOGY 1113 Biological Sciences: Energy Transfer and Development
BIOLOGY 1114 Biological Sciences: Form, Function, Diversity, and Ecology
HTHRHSC 2500 Medical Terminology for the Health Professions
HTHRHSC 2530 The Evolving Art and Science of Medicine
HUMNNTR 2310 Fundamentals of Nutrition*
HUMNNTR 2410 Science of Human Nutrition
KNFHP 1103 Introduction to Health and Wellness in American Society
KNFHP 1104 Stress Management for the College Student
KNHES 3209 Orientation to Exercise Science
PUBHLTH 2010 Critical Issues in Global Public Health
Communication, Literature and Writing
ARTEDUC 2700 Criticizing Television
CLAS 1101 Introduction to Classical Literature
CLAS 2220 Classical Mythology
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
COMM 1100 Communication in Society
COMM 2110 Principles of Effective Public Speaking
COMM 3225 Photojournalism
COMM 3620 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
COMM 4635 Small Group Communication
COMPSTD 2101 Literature and Society
COMPSTD 2103 Literature and the Self
COMPSTD 2104 Literature, Science, and Technology
EDUTL 4174 Family Participation in Early Childhood School Programs: General Student Body
EDUTL 4191 Internship
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
ENGLISH 1110.02 First-Year English Composition
ENGLISH 1110.03 First-Year English Composition
ENGLISH 2201 Selected Works of British Literature: Medieval through 1800
ENGLISH 2202 Selected Works of British Literature: 1800 to Present
ENGLISH 2220 Introduction to Shakespeare
ENGLISH 2260 Introduction to Poetry
ENGLISH 2261 Introduction to Fiction
ENGLISH 2262 Introduction to Drama
ENGLISH 2270 Introduction to Folklore
ENGLISH 2280 The English Bible
ENGLISH 2281 Introduction to African-American Literature
ENGLISH 2290 Colonial and U.S. Literature to 1865
ENGLISH 2291 U.S. Literature: 1865 to Present
ENGLISH 2367.05 The U.S. Folk Experience
ENGLISH 3361 Narrative and Medicine
RELSTDS 2102.01 Literature and Religion
RELSTDS 2102.02 Comparative Sacred Texts
AFAMAST 2251 Introduction to African Literature
ARABIC 2701 Classical and Medieval Arabic Literature in Translation
ARABIC 2702 Modern Arabic Literature in Translation
ARABIC 3705 A Thousand and One Nights: Storytelling in Arabic and World Literature
ASL 3105 American Sign Language Literature
CHINESE 2451 Chinese Literature in Translation
CHINESE 4402 Traditional Chinese Fiction in Translation
CHINESE 4403 Modern Chinese Literature in Translation
CHINESE 4404 Chinese Drama
FRENCH 1801 Masterpieces of the French-Speaking World
FRENCH 2501 Topics in French Literature and Culture in Translation
GERMAN 2250 Berlin: Stories, Languages, and Ideas
GERMAN 2251 German Literature and Popular Culture
GERMAN 2253 Magic, Murder and Mayhem
GERMAN 2254 Grimms' Fairy Tales and their Afterlives
GERMAN 2256 Fan Fiction: From Homer to Harry Potter
GERMAN 2367 German Literature and American Culture
GERMAN 3252 The Holocaust in German Literature and Film
HEBREW 2700 The Hebrew Bible in Translation
HEBREW 2702 Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation
HEBREW 2367.01 Scripture and Script: The Bible in Contemporary Arts, Media, and Literature
HEBREW 3703 Prophesy in the Hebrew Bible
HEBREW 3704 Women in the Bible and Beyond
HEBREW 3708 Wisdom Literature in the Bible
ITALIAN 2051 Italian Journeys
ITALIAN 2052 Fictions of Italy: Modern and Contemporary Literature and Society
ITALIAN 2054 Dante in Translation
ITALIAN 3051 Italian Romances
JAPANSE 2451 Japanese Literature in Translation
JAPANSE 2452 Modern Japanese Literature in Translation
KOREAN 2451 Korean Literature in Translation
PERSIAN 2701 Persian Literature in Translation
PERSIAN 3704 Persian Epic in Translation
RUSSIAN 2250.01 Masterpieces of Russian Literature
SCANDVN 3350 Norse Mythology and Medieval Culture
SLAVIC 2345 Introduction to Slavic and East European Literature and Culture
SPANISH 2320 Don Quixote in Translation
SPANISH 2520 Latin American Literature (in Translation): Fictions and Realities
TURKISH 2701 Mystics, Sultans, Prisoners & Dreamers: Turkish Literature in Translation
YIDDISH 2367 Jewish-American Voices in U.S. Literature
YIDDISH 3371 Yiddish Literature in Translation
YIDDISH 3399 Holocaust in Yiddish and Ashkenazic Literature and Film
Business & Economics
ACCTMIS 2200 Introduction to Accounting I
ACCTMIS 2300 Introduction to Accounting II
BUSMGT 2320 Decision Sciences: Statistical Techniques
BUSMHR 2500 Entrepreneurship
BUSML 3250 Principles of Marketing
BUSFIN 1200 Personal Finance
CSCFFS 2260 Healthy Finances and Economic Wellbeing for Individuals and Families
AEDECON 2580 Feast or Famine - The Global Business of Food
ECON 2001.01 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2002.01 Principles of Macroeconomics
BUSTEC 1151T General Economics*
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
BUSTEC 2191T Business Internship*
BUSTEC 2231T Fundamentals of Marketing*
BUSTEC 2232T Personal Selling
BUSTEC 2241T Small Business Management*
BUSTEC 2244T Human Resource Management and Leadership
BUSTEC 2247T Business Law
College Orientation & Academic Success
ESEPSY 1259 Individual Learning and Motivation: Strategies for Success in College
ESLTECH 2011 Keys to Academic Success for Online Learners
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
History & Society
AFAMAST 1101 Introduction to African American and African Studies
AFAMAST 1121 African Civilizations to 1870
AFAMAST 1122 African Civilizations, 1870 to the Present
CLAS 2010 Classical Background of Scientific Terminology
CLAS 2201 Classical Civilization: Greece
CLAS 2202 Classical Civilization: Rome
CLAS 2204 Medicine in the Ancient World
CLAS 2301 Classical Archaeology
CLAS 3000 From Rome to Europe and Beyond
CSFRST 2374 Twentieth Century Fashion and Beyond
EALL 1231 East Asian Humanities
HISTORY 1101 Latin American Civilizations to 1825
HISTORY 1102 Latin American Civilizations since 1825
HISTORY 1151 American Civilization to 1877
HISTORY 1152 American Civilization since 1877
HISTORY 1211 Western Civilization to the 17th Century
HISTORY 1212 Western Civilization, 17th Century to Present
HISTORY 1681 World History to 1500
HISTORY 1682 World History from 1500 to the Present
HISTORY 2001 Launching America
HISTORY 2002 Making America Modern
HISTORY 2210 Classical Archeology
HISTORY 2450 Ancient and Medieval Jewish History, 300 BCE-1100 CE
JEWSHST 2201 Introduction to Jewish Culture, Thought, and Practice
WGSST 1110 Gender, Sex and Power
Humanities & Critical Thinking
PHILOS 1100 Introduction to Philosophy
PHILOS 1300 Introduction to Ethics
PHILOS 2400 Political and Social Philosophy
PHILOS 2450 Philosophical Problems in the Arts
Industrial Sciences
BIOWMGT 2010T Introduction to Bioenergy and Biological Waste Management
BIOWMGT 2020T Bioenergy and Wastewater Technologies*
BIOWMGT 2030T Feedstock Evaluation and Analysis*
BIOWMGT 2189T Bioenergy and Biological Waste Management Practicum
BIOWMGT 2191T Bioenergy and Biological Waste Management Internship*
CONSYSM 3191 Internship in Construction Systems Management
ENGR 1188 Fundamentals of Engineering for Transfer - Problem Solving and Design*
MECHENG 2010 Statics*
MECHENG 2030 Dynamics*
ENGTECH 1201.01T Exploring Engineering Technologies
ENGRTECH 1200 Introduction to Engineering Technology (BSET)*
ENGRTECH 1600 Engineering Graphics (BSET)
ENGTECH 2011T Small Engine Basics
ENGTECH 2050T Introduction to Geographic Information Systems*
ENGTECH 2191.01T Construction Management Internship*
ENGTECH 2191.02T Hydraulic Power and Motion Control Internship*
ENGTECH 2191.03T Power Equipment Internship*
ENGTECH 2191.04T Agricultural Systems Technology Internship*
ENGTECH 2214T Fundamentals of Fluid Power and Components*
ENGTECH 2221T Component Rebuilding*
ENGTECH 2224T Fluids, Filtration, and Fluid Conveyance*
ENGTECH 2234T Basic Pneumatic Systems*
ENGTECH 2238T Electrohydraulics and System Design*
ENGTECH 2240T Welding Technology
ENGTECH 2242T Metals and Metal Manufacturing*
ENGTECH 2312T Engineering Technology Fundamentals
ENGTECH 2322T Basic Electricity and Electronics*
ENGTECH 2336T Methods of Power Transmission*
Math & Computational Sciences
CSE 1110 Introduction to Computing Technology
CSE 1111 Introduction to Computer-Assisted Problem Solving
CSE 1112 Introduction to Computer-Assisted Problem Solving for Construction Systems Management
CSE 1113 Spreadsheet Programming for Business (*)
CSE 1114 Introduction to Databases Using MS Access
CSE 1194/2194/4194 Group Studies in Computer Science and Engineering (*)
CSE 1211 Computational Thinking in Context: Images, Animation, and Games
CSE 1213 Computational Thinking in Context: Game Development
CSE 1222 Introduction to Computer Programming in C++ for Engineers and Scientists (*)
CSE 1223 Introduction to Computer Programming in Java
CSE 2021 Introduction to Modeling and Simulation (*)
CSE 2111 Modeling and Problem Solving with Spreadsheets and Databases (*)
CSE 2112 Modeling and Problem Solving with Spreadsheets and Databases for Engineers (*)
CSE 2122 Data Structures Using C++ (*)
CSE 2123 Data Structures Using Java (*)
CSE 2221 Software I: Software Components (*)
CSE 2231 Software II: Software Development and Design (*)
CSE 2321 Foundations I: Discrete Structures (*)
CSE 2451 Advanced C Programming (*)
MATH 1116 Excursions in Mathematics
MATH 1130 College Algebra for Business
MATH 1131 Calculus for Business
MATH 1148 College Algebra
MATH 1149 Trigonometry
MATH 1150 Pre-Calculus
MATH 1151 Calculus I
MATH 1152 Calculus II
MATH 2153 Calculus III
MATH 2255 Differential Equations and Their Applications
MATH 2568 Linear Algebra
PHILOS 1500 Introduction to Logic
PHILOS 2500 Symbolic Logic
STAT 1350 Elementary Statistics
STAT 1430 Statistics for the Business Sciences
STAT 1450 Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
STAT 2450 Introduction to Statistical Analysis I
STAT 2480 Statistics for the Life Sciences
STAT 3470 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Physical Sciences
ASTRON 1140 Planets and The Solar System
ASTRON 1144 Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
AVIATN 2000 Introduction to the Aviation Industry
AVIATN 2100 Private Pilot Fundamentals
AVIATN 2300 Aircraft Performance and Weather
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry
CHEM 1210 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1220 General Chemistry II
CHEM 2510 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2520 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2540 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 2550 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
EARTHSC 1100 Planet Earth: How It Works
EARTHSC 1105 Geology of the National Parks
EARTHSC 1121 The Dynamic Earth
EARTHSC 1122 Earth Through Time
EARTHSC 2203 Environmental Geoscience
ENR 2100 Introduction to Environmental Science
GENBIOL 1250T General Botany with Applications
GEOG 1900 Extreme Weather and Climate
GEOG 2400 Economic and Social Geography
GEOG 2750 World Regional Geography
GEOG 2960 Introduction to Physical Geography
HCS 2200 The World of Plants
*HCS 4191.02 PGM Internship
HORTTEC 2191.10T Floral Design and Marketing Internship
HORTTEC 2191.21T Greenhouse Management Internship
HORTTEC 2191.22T Nursery Management Internship
HORTTEC 2191.23T Greenhouse Engineering Technology Internship
HORTTEC 2191.30T Landscape Horticulture Internship
HORTTEC 2191.50T Turfgrass Management Internship
HORTTEC 2191.55T Turfgrass Equipment Manager Internship
HORTTEC 2225T Turf Equipment Operation and Maintenance
HORTTEC 2600T Commercial Floral Design
PHYSICS 1103 World of Energy: Forces, Electricity, Magnetism, Machines
PHYSICS 1104 World of Energy: Light, Thermodynamics, Energy Sources
PHYSICS 1200 Mechanics, Kinematics, Fluids, Waves
PHYSICS 1201 E&M, Optics, Modern Physics
PHYSICS 1250 Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Waves
PHYSICS 1251 E&M, Optics, Modern Physics
Social Sciences
ANTHROP 1100 Introduction to Anthropology
ANTHROP 2200 Introduction to Physical Anthropology
ANTHROP 2201 Introduction to Archaeology
ANTHROP 2202 Peoples and Cultures: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
HDFS 2400 Life Span Human Development
HDFS 2410 Child Development
INTSTDS 2000 Introduction to Africa
INTSTDS 2050 Introduction to China and Japan
INTSTDS 2100 Introduction to Latin America
INTSTDS 2200 Introduction to the Modern Middle East
INTSTDS 2500 Introduction to Development Studies
INTSTDS 2800 Introduction to Peace Studies
POLITSC 1100 Introduction to American Politics
POLITSC 1165 Introduction to Politics
POLITSC 1200 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLITSC 1300 Global Politics
POLITSC 2150 Voters and Elections
POLITSC 2300 American Foreign Policy
POLITSC 2400 Introduction to Political Theory
POLITSC 4191 Internship
PSYCH 1100 Introduction to Psychology
PSYCH 3331 Abnormal Psychology
PSYCH 3340 Introduction to Life Span Developmental Psychology
PSYCH 3530 Theories of Personality
PUBAFRS 1191 High School Internship
PUBAFRS 2110 Introduction to Public Affairs
PUBAFRS 4191.01 Public Affairs Internship
RURLSOC 1500 Introduction to Rural Sociology
SOCIOL 1101 Introductory Sociology
SOCIOL 2202 Social Problems and Public Policy
SOCIOL 2209 Introduction to Criminal Justice
SOCIOL 2210 Sociological Aspects of Deviance
SOCIOL 2330 Marriage and Society
SOCIOL 2345 The Social Structure of American Society
SOCIOL 3380 Racial and Ethnic Relations in America
SOCIOL 3410 Criminology
SOCWORK 1120 Introduction to Social Welfare
SOCWORK 1130 Introduction to Social Work in Contemporary Society
World Languages & Cultures
ARABIC 1101.01 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I
ARABIC 1101.02 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I: Intensive
ARABIC 1102.01 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II
ARABIC 1102.02 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II: Intensive
ARABIC 1103.01 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I
ARABIC 1103.02 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I: Intensive
ARABIC 2101 Arabic Grammar I
ARABIC 2104.01 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II
ARABIC 2104.02 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II: Intensive
ARABIC 2194 Group Studies (*)
ARABIC 2241 Culture of the Contemporary Arab World
ARABIC 2367 Issues in Arab-American Society, Culture, and Literature
ARABIC 3105 Intermediate Literary Arabic Reading I
ARABIC 3301 Contemporary Folklore in the Arab World
ARABIC 3601 Introduction to Arabic Philosophy
ARABIC 4106 Intermediate Literary Arabic Reading II
ARABIC 4108 Advanced Arabic Grammar and Stylistics
ARABIC 4111 Colloquial Arabic I
ARABIC 4112 Colloquial Arabic II
ARABIC 4120 Arabic Media
ARABIC 4626 Introduction to the Arabic Qur'an
ASL 1101 Elementary American Sign Language I
ASL 1102 Elementary American Sign Language II
ASL 1103 Intermediate American Sign Language
ASL 2104 American Sign Language Conversational Discourse
ASL 3350 American Deaf Arts and Literature
ASL 4189S Intersection of American Sign Language, Deaf Culture, and the Deaf Community
BCS 1101 Elementary Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian I
BCS 1102 Elementary Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian II
BCS 1103 Intermediate Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian I
BCS 2104 Intermediate Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian II
BCS 3101 Advanced BCS I
BCS 3102 Advanced BCS II
CHINESE 1101.01 Level One Chinese I: Classroom Track
CHINESE 1101.02 Level One Chinese I: Summer Intensive Track
CHINESE 1101.51 Level One Chinese I: Individualized Track
CHINESE 1102.01 Level One Chinese II: Classroom Track
CHINESE 1102.02 Level One Chinese II: Summer Intensive Track
CHINESE 1102.51 Level One Chinese II: Individualized Track
CHINESE 1103.01 Level Two Chinese I: Classroom Track
CHINESE 1103.51 Level Two Chinese I: Individualized Track
CHINESE 2102 Level Two Chinese II: Classroom Track
CHINESE 2141.01 Intensive Level Two Chinese-Oral: Classroom Track
CHINESE 2141.02 Intensive Level Two Chinese-Oral: Summer Intensive Track
CHINESE 2151.01 Intensive Level Two Chinese-Written: Classroom Track
CHINESE 2151.51 Intensive Level Two Chinese-Written: Individualized Track
CHINESE 2231 Traditional Chinese Culture
CHINESE 2232 Modern Chinese Culture
CHINESE 2283 Chinese Calligraphy
CHINESE 4101 Level Three Chinese I
CHINESE 4102 Level Three Chinese II
CHINESE 4142.01 Intensive Level Three Chinese-Oral: Classroom Track
CHINESE 4142.02 Intensive Level Three Chinese-Oral: Summer Intensive Track
CHINESE 4152.01 Intensive Level Three Chinese-Written: Classroom Track
CHINESE 4152.51 Intensive Level Three Chinese-Written: Individualized Track
CHINESE 4194 Group Studies
CHINESE 4301 Conversational Cantonese for Mandarin Speakers I
CHINESE 4302 Conversational Cantonese for Mandarin Speakers II
CHINESE 4380 The Chinese Language
CHINESE 4381 The Chinese Language and Its History
CHINESE 4383 The Chinese Language and Its Script
CHINESE 4405 China in Chinese Film
CHINESE 4406 China Pop: Contemporary Popular Culture and Media in Greater China
CZECH 1101 Elementary Czech I
CZECH 1102 Elementary Czech II
CZECH 1103 Intermediate Czech I
CZECH 2104 Intermediate Czech II
FRENCH 1101.01 Beginning French I Classroom
FRENCH 1101.51 Beginning French I Individualized
FRENCH 1101.61 Beginning French I: Individualized DL
FRENCH 1102.01 Beginning French II Classroom
FRENCH 1102.51 Beginning French II Individualized
FRENCH 1102.61 Beginning French II: Individualized DL
FRENCH 1103.01 Beginning French III Conversation and Composition
FRENCH 1103.02 Beginning French III Conversation
FRENCH 1103.03 Beginning French III Contemporary Culture
FRENCH 1103.04 Beginning French III Civilization
FRENCH 1103.51 Beginning French III Individualized
FRENCH 1103.61 Beginning French III Individualized DL
FRENCH 1155.01 Beginning French Review Classroom
FRENCH 1803.01 Paris
FRENCH 2101.01 Introduction to French and Francophone Studies
FRENCH 2101.51 Introduction to French and Francophone Studies Individualized
FRENCH 2194 Group Studies
FRENCH 2801 Classics of French Cinema
FRENCH 3101 French Grammar Review
FRENCH 3102 French Pronunciation and Performance
FRENCH 3103 French Conversation
FRENCH 3201 French Literary and Visual Texts
FRENCH 3202 Literary and visual texts of the Francophone world
FRENCH 3301 Discovering Second Language Acquisition
FRENCH 3401 Introduction to Contemporary France
FRENCH 3402 Introduction to Francophone Cultures
FRENCH 3403 Topics in French-Speaking Cultures
FRENCH 3501 Introduction to French for the Professions
FRENCH 3570 CLLC Radio
FRENCH 3701 Introduction to Cinema
FRENCH 3801 French-American Culture Wars
FRENCH 4194 Group Studies
FRENCH 4401 Topics in French and Francophone Studies
GERMAN 1101.01 German I
GERMAN 1101.51 German I - Self-Paced
GERMAN 1101.61 Beginning German I (Self-Paced Distance Learning)
GERMAN 1102.01 German II
GERMAN 1102.51 German II - Self-Paced
GERMAN 1103.01 German III
GERMAN 1103.51 German III - Self-Paced
GERMAN 1266 German Review
GERMAN 2101 Texts and Contexts I: Contemporary German Language, Culture and Society
GERMAN 2102 Texts and Contexts II: 20th-Century German Language, History and Culture
GERMAN 2194 Group Studies
GERMAN 2255 Postwar Culture in Germany and Japan
GERMAN 2350 Introduction to German Studies
GERMAN 2352 Development of Contemporary Germany: Dresden Yesterday and Today
GERMAN 2451 Hollywood: Exiles & Emigres
GERMAN 3101 Texts and Contexts III: Historical Perspectives
GERMAN 3102 News and Views: Conversations about Current Issues in the German-Speaking World
GERMAN 3200 Topics in German Literature, Art and Film
GERMAN 3253 The German Experience in North America
GERMAN 3256 Coming to Terms with the Holocaust and War in Germany: Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung
GERMAN 3300 Topics in German Culture Studies, Social and Intellectual History
GERMAN 3351 Democracy, Fascism and German Culture
GERMAN 3600 Topics in German Linguistics/Language
GERMAN 3602 German for the Professions I
GERMAN 3603 Translation I
GERMAN 4194 Undergraduate Group Studies
GERMAN 4602 German for the Professions II
GERMAN 4603 Translation II
GREEK 1101 Elementary Ancient Greek
GREEK 1102 Intermediate Ancient Greek I
GREEK 2101 Attic Prose
GREEK 2102 Homer
GREEK 2103 The Greek Historians
GREEK 2104 Greek Tragedy
GREEK 2110 The Greek New Testament
HEBREW 1101.01 Elementary Hebrew I
HEBREW 1102.01 Elementary Hebrew II
HEBREW 1103.01 Intermediate Hebrew I
HEBREW 2105 Modern Hebrew Grammar, Conversation, and Composition
*HEBREW 2194 Group Studies
HEBREW 2205 Art and Ancient Judaism
HEBREW 2216 The Medieval Jewish Experience
HEBREW 2241 Culture of Contemporary Israel
HEBREW 2245 Israeli Film & Society
HEBREW 3120 Engaging Time: Philosophical and Rabbinic Dimensions of Temporality
HEBREW 3210 The Jewish Mystical Tradition
HEBREW 4101 Review of Grammar and Composition
HEBREW 4601 Modern Hebrew Short Story
HEBREW 4602 Modern Hebrew Poetry
HINDI 1101 Elementary Hindi I
HINDI 1102 Elementary Hindi II
HINDI 1103 Intermediate Hindi I
HINDI 2104 Intermediate Hindi II
HINDI 2194 Group Studies
HUNGRN 1103 Intermediate Hungarian I
ITALIAN 1101.01 Italian I
ITALIAN 1101.02 Italian I Hybrid
ITALIAN 1101.03 Italian I Blended
ITALIAN 1102.01 Italian II
ITALIAN 1102.02 Italian II Hybrid
ITALIAN 1102.03 Italian II Blended
ITALIAN 1103.01 Italian III
ITALIAN 1103.02 Italian III Hybrid
ITALIAN 1103.03 Italian III Blended
ITALIAN 2053 Introduction to Italian Cinema
ITALIAN 2055 Mafia Movies
ITALIAN 2102 Contemporary Italian Society
*ITALIAN 2194 Group Studies
ITALIAN 3103 Styles and Stylistics
ITALIAN 3220 Italian Culture Through the Ages
ITALIAN 3221 Reading Italy: Italian Literature and Culture
ITALIAN 3222 Modern Italian Media
ITALIAN 3223 The Regions of Italy
ITALIAN 3224 Post-Unification Italy
ITALIAN 3331 The Languages of Italy
ITALIAN 3332 The Sounds of Italian
ITALIAN 4223 Italian Cinema
ITALIAN 4224 Survey of Italian Literature
ITALIAN 4225 Italian Identities
ITALIAN 4226 Italian Theater Workshop
ITALIAN 4330 Structures of the Italian Language
ITALIAN 4331 Italian Translating
JAPANSE 1101.01 Level One Japanese I: Classroom Track
JAPANSE 1101.02 Level One Japanese I: Summer Intensive Track
JAPANSE 1101.51 Level One Japanese I: Individualized Track
JAPANSE 1102.01 Level One Japanese II: Classroom Track
JAPANSE 1102.02 Level One Japanese II: Summer Intensive Track
JAPANSE 1102.51 Level One Japanese II: Individualized Track
JAPANSE 1103.01 Level Two Japanese I: Classroom Track
JAPANSE 1103.02 Level Two Japanese I: Summer Intensive Track
JAPANSE 1103.51 Level Two Japanese I: Individualized Track
JAPANSE 2102.01 Level Two Japanese II: Classroom Track
JAPANSE 2102.02 Level Two Japanese II: Summer Intensive Track
JAPANSE 2141 Intensive Level Two Japanese-Oral
JAPANSE 2151 Intensive Level Two Japanese-Written
JAPANSE 2231 Elements of Japanese Culture
JAPANSE 2255 Postwar Culture in Germany and Japan
JAPANSE 4101 Level Three Japanese I
JAPANSE 4102 Level Three Japanese II
JAPANSE 4142 Intensive Level Three Japanese-Oral
JAPANSE 4152 Intensive Level Three Japanese-Written
JAPANSE 4194 Group Studies
JAPANSE 4400 Japanese Film and Visual Media
JAPANSE 4401 Japanese Literature and Film in Critical Perspective
KOREAN 1101.01 Level One Korean I: Classroom Track
KOREAN 1101.51 Level One Korean I: Individualized Instruction
KOREAN 1102.01 Level One Korean II: Classroom Track
KOREAN 1102.51 Level One Korean II: Individualized Instruction
KOREAN 1103.01 Level Two Korean I: Classroom Track
KOREAN 1103.02 Level Two Korean I: Summer Intensive Track
KOREAN 1103.51 Level Two Korean I: Individualized Track
KOREAN 2102.01 Level Two Korean II: Classroom Track
KOREAN 2102.02 Level Two Korean II-Summer Intensive Track
KOREAN 2102.51 Level Two Korean II: Individualized Track
KOREAN 2231 Elements of Korean Culture
KOREAN 4194 Group Studies
LATIN 1101.01 Elementary Latin I
LATIN 1101.55 Elementary Latin I: Accelerated
LATIN 1102.01 Intermediate Latin I
LATIN 1102.55 Elementary Latin II: Accelerated
LATIN 1103 Intermediate Latin II
LATIN 1890 Intensive Latin Workshop I
LATIN 1891 Intensive Latin Workshop II
LATIN 2101 Cicero
LATIN 2102 Vergil
LATIN 2103 Roman Historians
LATIN 2104 Ovid
LATIN 2105 Latin Lyric
LATIN 2106 Roman Comedy
MDRNGRK 1101 Elementary Modern Greek
MDRNGRK 1102 Intermediate Modern Greek I
MDRNGRK 1103 Intermediate Modern Greek II
MDRNGRK 2000 Athens: The Modern City
MDRNGRK 2100 Greece and Beyond: The Crossing of Borders Through Film
MDRNGRK 2240 Travels to Greece: The Search for a Cultural Ideal
MDRNGRK 2410 Culture of Contemporary Greece
MDRNGRK 2680 Folklore of Contemporary Greece
PERSIAN 1101 Elementary Persian I
PERSIAN 1102 Elementary Persian II
PERSIAN 1103 Intermediate Persian I
PERSIAN 2104 Intermediate Persian II
PERSIAN 2105 Intermediate Persian III
PERSIAN 2194 Group Studies
PERSIAN 2241 Persian Culture
PERSIAN 3101 Advanced Persian: Reading and Composition
POLISH 1101 Elementary Polish I
POLISH 1102 Elementary Polish II
POLISH 1103 Intermediate Polish I
POLISH 2104 Intermediate Polish II
POLISH 3101 Advanced Polish I
POLISH 3102 Advanced Polish II
PORTGSE 1101.01 Portuguese I
PORTGSE 1101.51 Portuguese I Individualized
PORTGSE 1102.01 Portuguese II
PORTGSE 1102.51 Portuguese II Individualized
PORTGSE 1103.01 Portuguese III
PORTGSE 1103.51 Portuguese III Individualized
PORTGSE 2150 Introduction to the Literatures of the Portuguese-Speaking World
PORTGSE 2159 Narratives of Travel and Intercultural Contact in the Early Modern Imperial World
PORTGSE 2330 Introduction to Brazilian Culture
PORTGSE 2331 Portuguese Culture and Society
PORTGSE 2335 Cannibal Brazil: Cultural Encounters and Negotiations of Identity in Literature and Culture
PORTGSE 3401 Advanced Portuguese Grammar
PORTGSE 3402 Portuguese Reading and Listening
PORTGSE 3403 Portuguese Conversation and Composition
PORTGSE 3450 Introduction to the Study of Literatures and Cultures
PORTGSE 4510 Portuguese Translation
PORTGSE 4550 Literatures of the Portuguese Speaking World
PORTGSE 4560 Cultural Expressions of Portugal and Lusophone Africa
PORTGSE 4561 Cultural Expressions of Brazil
PORTGSE 4595 Special Topics in Foreign Study
PORTGSE 4597.01 Coloniality and Post-coloniality in the Literatures of Portugal and Portuguese-Speaking Africa
PORTGSE 4597.02 Representing Identity in the Cinema of the Portuguese-Speaking World
PORTGSE 4606 Business Culture and Communication in Portuguese
ROMANIA 1101 Elementary Romanian I
ROMANIA 1102 Elementary Romanian II
ROMANIA 1103 Intermediate Romanian I
ROMANIA 1111 Intensive Intermediate Romanian
ROMANIA 2104 Intermediate Romanian II
RUSSIAN 1101.01 1st-Year Russian I (Classroom Track)
RUSSIAN 1101.51 Elementary Russian I (Self-Paced)
RUSSIAN 1102.01 Elementary Russian II (Classroom Track)
RUSSIAN 1102.51 Elementary Russian II (Self-Paced)
RUSSIAN 1103.01 Intermediate Russian I (Classroom Track)
RUSSIAN 1103.51 Intermediate Russian I (Self-Paced)
RUSSIAN 1103.99 Intermediate Russian I (Online)
RUSSIAN 1133 Intermediate Russian for Heritage Speakers
RUSSIAN 2104.01 Intermediate Russian II (Classroom Track)
RUSSIAN 2104.51 Intermediate Russian II (Self-Paced)
RUSSIAN 2144 Intermediate Russian for Heritage Speakers II
RUSSIAN 2335.01 Magnificence, Mayhem, and Mafia: Russian Culture
RUSSIAN 2335.99 Magnificence, Mayhem, and Mafia: Russian Culture (online)
RUSSIAN 2345 Russian Fairy Tales and Folklore
RUSSIAN 2355.99 Russians and their Vodka: Deconstructing Myths
RUSSIAN 3101 Third-Year Russian I: Contemporary Russian in Cultural and Literary Contexts
RUSSIAN 3102 Third-Year Russian II: Current Events through the Russian Media
RUSSIAN 3121 Advanced Reading Russian I Self-Paced
RUSSIAN 3122 Advanced Reading Russian II Self-Paced
RUSSIAN 3350 Russian Culture and Politics
RUSSIAN 3460 Modern Russian Experience through Film
RUSSIAN 3470 Anna Karenina Goes to Hollywood: Tolstoy's Novel in Film and Popular Culture
RUSSIAN 3530 Russian Cuisine in History, Literature and Culture
RUSSIAN 4101 Advanced Russian I
RUSSIAN 4102 Advanced Russian II
RUSSIAN 4135 Practical Russian Pronunciation
RUSSIAN 4220 Love and Death in Russian Literature and Film
RUSSIAN 4221 Revolution and Restoration in Russian Literature
*RUSSIAN 4575 Capstone Course for Russian Majors
SCANDVN 3350 Norse Mythology and Medieval Culture
SLAVIC 2230.01 Vampires, Monstrosity, and Evil: From Slavic Myth to Twilight
SLAVIC 2367 East European Immigrant Experience in America
SLAVIC 3310 Science Fiction: East vs. West
SLAVIC 3333 The Soviet Space Age
SLAVIC 3360 Screening Minorities: Representations of the Other in Slavic Film
SLAVIC 3800 Bilingualism: Life in Two Worlds
SOMALI 1101 Elementary Somali I
SOMALI 1102 Elementary Somali II
SOMALI 1103 Elementary Somali III
SOMALI 2201 Intermediate Somali I
SOMALI 2241 Intermediate Somali II
SOMALI 3301 Intermediate Somali III
SPANISH 1101.01 Spanish I
SPANISH 1102.01 Spanish II
SPANISH 1103.01 Spanish III
SPANISH 1103.51 Spanish III: Individualized Instruction
SPANISH 1155 Intensive Spanish for Review
SPANISH 2150 Culture and Literature of Spain
SPANISH 2151 Latin American Culture and Literature
SPANISH 2202.01 Spanish IV
SPANISH 2208.22 Andean Music Ensemble
SPANISH 2213 Spanish IV for Heritage Speakers
SPANISH 2242 Introduction to Latino Studies
SPANISH 2302 Spanish Conversation
SPANISH 2321 The Spanish Don Juan Theme in the Theatre
SPANISH 2322 Spanish Society and the Arts
SPANISH 2330 Reinventing America
SPANISH 2331 Caribbean Cultures
SPANISH 2332 Introduction to Andean and Amazonian Cultures
SPANISH 2380 Introduction to Latin American Film
SPANISH 2389 Spanish in the US: Language as Social Action
SPANISH 2504 Language, Culture & Communication in Latino Health
SPANISH 2506 Latin American Culture in a Business Context
SPANISH 2510 Mexican Studies
SPANISH 3401 Advanced Grammar
SPANISH 3403 Intermediate Spanish Composition
SPANISH 3404 Spanish Pronunciation
SPANISH 3406 Intermediate Business Spanish
SPANISH 3413 Spanish for Heritage Speakers
SPANISH 3450 Introduction to the Study of Literature and Culture in Spanish: Reading Texts
SPANISH 4430 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
SPANISH 4461 Latino Urbanism and the Reinvention of the American City
SPANISH 4501.51 Advanced Spanish for the Professions: STEM
SPANISH 4515 Andean Art, Culture, and Society
SPANISH 4516 The Formation of Bolivian National Cultures
SPANISH 4534 Spanish Phonology
SPANISH 4536 Language Change in Spanish
SPANISH 4537 Spanish Psycholinguistics
SPANISH 4538 Language Variation in Spanish
SPANISH 4551 Spanish Golden Age Literature
SPANISH 4552 Modern Spanish Literature
SPANISH 4555 Indigenous, Colonial, & National Literatures and Cultures of Spanish America
SPANISH 4556 Modern Spanish American Literature
SPANISH 4557.10 Introduction to Latino Literature in the U.S.
SPANISH 4557.20 Introduction to Other Latino Literature in the U.S.
SPANISH 4560 Introduction to Spanish American Culture
SPANISH 4561 Introduction to the Culture of Spain
SPANISH 4564 Spanish Culture During Francoism
SPANISH 4567 Spanish Mosaic: Catalonia, Basque Country, Galicia and Andalusia
SPANISH 4568 Catalan Cultures
SPANISH 4570 Latin Soundscapes: Musical Cultures of Latin America
SPANISH 4580 Latin American Film
SPANISH 4581 Spanish Film
SPANISH 4582 Latinx Cinema: Filmmaking, Production & Consumption
SPANISH 4595.01 Special Topics in Foreign Study
SPANISH 4595.02 Special Topics in Foreign Study
SPANISH 4595.03 Special Topics in Foreign Study
SPANISH 4603 Advanced Spanish Composition
SPANISH 4606 Advanced Business Spanish
SPANISH 4610 Contrastive Structures of Spanish and English
*SPANISH 5201 Spanish in the Health Professions (*)
*SPANISH 2367S The US Experience: Hispanics, Language, and Literacy (*)
SPANISH 4689S Translation and Interpreting in the Latino Community
SWAHILI 1101 Elementary Swahili I
SWAHILI 1102 Elementary Swahili II
SWAHILI 1103 Elementary Swahili III
SWAHILI 2201 Intermediate Swahili I
SWAHILI 2241 Intermediate Swahili II: Translation
SWAHILI 3301 Intermediate Swahili III
SWEDISH 1101 Swedish I
SWEDISH 1102 Swedish II
SWEDISH 1103 Swedish III
SWEDISH 2101 Texts and Contexts: Contemporary Swedish Language, Culture, and Society
TURKISH 1101 Elementary Turkish I
TURKISH 1102 Elementary Turkish II
TURKISH 1103 Intermediate Turkish I
TURKISH 2101 Intermediate Turkish II
TURKISH 2102 Intermediate Turkish III
TURKISH 2194 Group Studies
TURKISH 2241 Turkish Culture
TURKISH 3001 Advanced Turkish Syntax
UZBEK 1101 Elementary Uzbek I
UZBEK 1102 Elementary Uzbek II
UZBEK 1103 Intermediate Uzbek I
UZBEK 2101 Intermediate Uzbek II
UZBEK 2102 Intermediate Uzbek III
UZBEK 3102 Advanced Uzbek
YIDDISH 2241 Yiddish Culture