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Book Options


Books are to be paid for by the high school. There are a couple of different ways that students may be able to purchase books for the semester. Course instructor will determine how books will be available.

Here are the options for books:

  • Barnes and Noble – The OSU Barnes & Noble will contact each high school to authorize payment for books.
    • Schools will need to provide authorization
    • Students will receive instructions on ordering books each term
    • Barnes & Noble will send the bill directly to the high school.
  • CarmenBooks – Some instructors will use e-textbooks (called CarmenBooks) through our Course Management System, CarmenCanvas.
    • Students will access the e-books online, and will have immediate access once classes start.
    • The Academy Office will email a sponsorship form directly to high schools. 
    • Each school needs to return the sponsorship form and agree to pay these charges.
    • Invoices for these books will be sent approximately one month after the start of classes.
    • If a school does not return the form, students will be billed directly. Students have the right to ask for reimbursement for these materials.
  • Books may be available through other sources.
    • Students should check the course syllabus to identify course materials
    • Students may need to use a website, Amazon, etc. to locate materials. Students will be directed to their school district for assistance in paying for these materials.
    • Students may want to check with the OSU Barnes & Noble bookstore to see if they may be able to find the materials. If this is possible, charges will be added to the Barnes & Noble invoice. Students will need to email the OSU Barnes & Noble ( with the book ISBN or course website information.


CarmenBooks and OSU's Affordable Learning Exchange

CarmenBooks is a new initiative to help all of our students save on the cost of course materials. Any OSU student who enrolls in participating courses will have access to these books through CarmenCanvas on the first day of classes.

CCP students will also be able to use CarmenBooks, but school districts will need to agree to pay for the books by submitting the Sponsor Information Form. (see below)

Learn about participating courses and the significant cost savings that are available on Ohio State's Affordable Learning Exchange site. 

Sponsor Information Form

This form is required for any students wishing to use CarmenBooks for each academic year. School districts will need to complete and return the Sponsor Information form by August 1 for autumn students and December 1 for spring students to

View Sponsor Information Form