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Parent Info

Congratulations! You have a child who is eager to learn and move to the next stage of their education. 

We know you have questions, and hope to provide guidance and answers. You can also view these Top 10 Tips for CCP Parents and Families from the Ohio Department of Higher Education. 

What to Expect in the Classroom

Your child will be enrolled in classes that meet either on campus or online. While they may be younger than other students in the class, they will be treated in the same manner as any other students. Please be aware that some of the material may be considered “Adult” in nature. The faculty members teaching courses will not be asked to alter assignments due to the age of a student.

Students will have the same course policies and course expectations as any other college student. They will receive a course syllabus that sets out the course guidelines, policies, and grading method.

MATURE CONTENT DISCLAIMER:  The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.

Course Pace

College courses move at a much faster pace than high school or middle school courses. Students will complete a full class in a semester, which is 15 weeks in length. During the summer session, classes may be offered in 12-week, 8-week, 6-week or 4-week terms. The material covered will be similar to a year-long high school course.

FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

You may not be familiar with FERPA(opens in new window), but it will provide a difference between high school and college experiences. In the K-12 system, both parents and students have equal access to your child's educational records. Once a student starts attending college, however, the rights transfer to the student alone. You may be used to contacting your child's teachers directly. At the college level, your child will be the one responsible for contacting faculty and staff.

Accommodations for Learning Differences

Your child may be used to receiving accommodations for special needs or learning differences. There are different federal laws for this at the K-12 level and the college level.

At the K-12 level, the IDEA(opens in new window) is a law that makes available free public education to children with disabilities. You may have meetings with teachers and school administrators to set up an IEP or 504 plan for your child.

At the college level, the ADA(opens in new window) is the law for providing accommodations for students. Students are able to access services through the Student Life Disability Services(opens in new window) office. Students are responsible to work directly with this office and may receive a wide range of accommodations.

Other Considerations

As you and your child consider enrolling in the OSU Academy/CCP program, here are a few things to consider.

  • Time Commitment: CCP courses require significant study time outside of class. Students will have reading assignments, homework problems, group projects or other out-of-the-classroom expectations. This will affect the amount of time available for extra-curricular activities, sports, and work experiences.
  • Travel Arrangements: How will your child get to campus for face-to-face classes? Will they drive themselves? If so, they'll need time to park and to get to their classroom building. If they don't drive, will they take a city bus, ride their bike, or depend on someone else to drive? If you are driving your child to class everyday, how will you spend the time while they are in class?
  • Maturity and Motivation: Is  your child able to ask questions and advocate for herself? Will he be comfortable navigating his way through a large and complex campus? Will she meet with faculty to discuss questions about homework or exams? Will he use the resources of the university?